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Volodymyr Hudyma
<FrontEndDeveloper />
Table Of Contents(Articles: 145)

Learn And Invert A Binary Search Tree In JavaScript

November 22, 2020

One of the most popular questions asked to software developers in an interview is "How do you invert a Binary Search Tree?" The truth is that many of us do not even know what a Binary Search Tree is, let alone...Read more


6 Reasons Why Every Programmer Should Have A Blog

November 17, 2020

Each programmer is used to write a code that acts like an instruction to the machine, telling it exactly what to do to output the desired result. Sometimes the code does not work as expected or the developer does not know how to solve something...Read more


The Right Way Of Logging With Console API In JavaScript

November 12, 2020

In JavaScript, the Console API provides access to the debugging console in the browser. It provides us with a number of methods that we can use, but most developers are not even aware of half of them...Read more


Context API In React

November 08, 2020

React Context API was created to solve a major problem that almost every application has faced - Prop Drilling. Well-written React applications contain many small components that communicate with...Read more


Everything About Set And WeakSet In JavaScript

November 05, 2020

The ES6 release introduced two new JavaScript objects - Set and WeakSet, which are very similar to Arrays in that they allow elements to be stored. Unlike Arrays, however, Sets and WeakSets cannot store...Read more


Everything About Map And WeakMap In JavaScript

November 02, 2020

Map and WeakMap objects were introduced with the ES6 release. They were developed to be used as an alternative to Objects as key-value storage. Unlike Objects, that are limited to having a...Read more


How To Mock Date/Moment In Jest?

October 31, 2020

Proper dates handling is one of the most complex parts of JavaScript. There are several things developers should remember about when dealing with them...Read more


Top 7 Ways To Optimize The Performance Of React Applications

October 24, 2020

The way web applications are created has changed since the creation of React. By operating on a virtual DOM instead of the real one, it makes updating UI extremely fast and manageable. It seems that all tools are set up from the beginning...Read more


9 Ways To Convert Float To Integer In JavaScript

October 19, 2020

The conversion of floating point numbers to integers is a common task when creating web applications. Although there are numerous ways to do this in JavaScript, developers often know no other way than to use the...Read more

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