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Nullish Coalescing Operator

May 29, 2020

Table Of Contents

    The nullish coalescing operator is a logical operator that returns right-side operand if left side equals to null or undefined, otherwise returns left side.

    The Syntax

    The operator is defined using ??:

    const user = null;
    const userName = user ?? "John";
    console.log(userName); // Prints "John"

    In the example above user equals to null, that's why the right side is returned.

    const user = undefined;
    const userName = user ?? "John";
    console.log(userName); // Prints "John"

    This example is basically the same as the one where the user equals null as right-hand side is being returned.

    If user variable is not equal to null or undefined, it's value will be returned:

    // We have a bug in code. How the user can be equal to 0?!
    const user = 0;
    const userName = user ?? "John";
    console.log(userName); // Prints "0"


    Like the OR and AND logical operators, the right-hand side expression is not evaluated if the left-hand side proves to be neither null nor undefined:

    const returnNull = () => {
      return null;
    const returnOne = () => {
      return 1;
    // returnOne() will be called as returnNull() evaluates to null
    console.log(returnNull() ?? returnOne());
    const returnOne = () => {
      return 1;
    const returnTwo = () => {
      return 2;
    // returnTwo() will NOT be called as returnOne() does not equal null or undefined
    console.log(returnOne() ?? returnTwo());

    Is The Same As Logical OR?

    If you're familiar with logical OR || operator, you may wonder what's the difference between it and nullish coalescing operator.

    The answer is simple - logical OR returns right side if the left side is falsy value, nullish coalescing operator returns right side if the left side is null or undefined only.

    If a value can be converted to true, the value is so-called truthy. If a value can be converted to false, the value is so-called falsy.

    Consider the following example(left side equals to 0):

    const zero = 0;
    console.log(zero ?? "Default value"); // Prints "0"
    console.log(zero || "Default value"); // Prints "Default value"

    Falsy Values

    The following values are considered as falsy in JavaScript:

    • false
    • null
    • NaN
    • 0
    • empty string('', "", ``)
    • undefined


    • The nullish coalescing operator "??" is a logical operator that returns right-side operand if left side equals to null or undefined, otherwise returns right side
    • The difference between this operator and OR: logical OR returns right side if the left side is falsy value, nullish coalescing operator returns right side if the left side is null or undefined only
    • Falsy values in JavaScript: null, NaN, 0, empty string('', "", ``), undefined
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