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Volodymyr Hudyma
<FrontEndDeveloper />
Table Of Contents(Articles: 145)

Dynamic And Nested Routes In React Router v5

February 22, 2021

In one of the previous articles, we installed and configured React Router v5 in the React application. We defined a few static routes (/, /contact, /users) that were responsible for displaying the home, contact and user pages. This may be enough for very...Read more


Add React Router v5 To Your React Application

February 15, 2021

A typical Single Page Application built with React consists of many different views that are rendered only when some specific conditions are met. While it is possible to conditionally render all your components under one...Read more


Render Raw HTML In React

February 06, 2021

Sometimes it is necessary to display an HTML code in React, which comes from an external source or a WYSIWYG editor. By default, this is not allowed for security reasons, but there are a few ways to bypass this limitation...Read more


PropTypes In React. Are They Still Needed?

February 03, 2021

One of the most important things when building React application is to make sure that the components receive correct props. Passing wrong props leads to bugs and unexpected behavior, so it's a good idea to warn developers about this as early...Read more


Open Mobile Application From The Browser

January 30, 2021

Launching the mobile application of the specific page from the browser is called Mobile App Deep Linking. It is very useful if you have both web and mobile applications and want to easily navigate between them. You can launch an email campaign that contains a link that users can click to...Read more


Lazy Loading In React With React.Lazy And Suspense

January 27, 2021

The complexity of existing web applications grows every year in geometric progression. The more JavaScript code we write, the more time it takes our browser to download and execute it. While this may not be a critical problem in the era of super-fast Internet, we cannot assume that all...Read more


Global State Management Using React Hooks

January 23, 2021

When thinking about the best way to manage state in React, the first thing that comes to mind is Redux, and there is nothing wrong with that if you accept a lot of boilerplate code and a fairly complex library configuration. It may be completely unnecessary if your project is...Read more


The useReducer Hook In React

January 20, 2021

One of the keys to getting good at React is mastering its most difficult part - state management. State is used for everything, from storing user input to reading and displaying data from external systems. There are many tools available that are designed to simplify state management in React, however...Read more


Portals In React

January 08, 2021

When building an application in React, it is sometimes necessary to place an element outside the DOM hierarchy created by the parent component. The simplest example are modals and tooltips...Read more

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